My Blessed Family!

My Blessed Family!

Friday, March 9, 2012


Sometimes do you feel like giving up about healthy eating?  Do you fall off that wagon and have trouble getting back on? 
Well I was once there....I would try my hardest to eat healthy then by the end of the week I had fallen off that wagon.  Stayed off that wagon the whole weekend...then having a hard time getting back on come Monday morning.  It's like the wagon was going but my feet were hanging off.  When you want to eat healthy it's a mind thing; which I'm still learning. :)  I'm not overweight, my weight is normal.  But the journey I have started is not about loosing weight it's about having a healthy lifestyle.  Not wanting to reach for the greasy hamburgers and french fries is hard thing to do, but can be done. 
March 5th started my journey.  I couldn't do this alone so I have the help of the Advocare 24 Day challenge.  My mother-in-law has tried for a good while to get me to buy the Advocare products.  My response was always....I don't need that I can do this on my own.  Well I'm living proof; I can't do it on my own.  When we go out to eat I try to focus on the non-fattings foods.  But I just wasn't diggin' it; so I would always go towards the yummy greasy foods.  Those are always better, huh?  Well no!!!!!!!  I have found out otherwise.  So March 5th I started the Advocare 24 day challenge.  Which I thought was going to be a rough ride.  Me, my husband, and my 2 wonderful children went to Applebee's for lunch/supper (lupper..LOL).  Kids are over there eating these wonderful yummy hamburgers and french fries.  It took me awhile to decide on my choice of food.  So I got a plate that had grilled chicken and lettuce and spinach...and that's it.  No dressing at all.  It was really good.  The chicken is what gave the lettuce the flavor.  I did well on the first day....YIPPEE :)
To help me with this life change I needed to get organized with everything.  When you receive in the whole kit there looks like to be alot of different things.  And SO much to remember.  So organization Jennifer decided to go ahead and create a spreadsheet of what time I'm suppose to do what.  Just so where every morning I'm not having to think about what I need to get together to take to work.  I got a brown paper bag (like the ones we use to take our school lunches  On each one I wrote..Day 1 - Monday; Day - 2; Tuesday...etc. etc.  Just so where in the morning all I have to do is grab that brown paper sack and I know exactly what's in there is what I should take.  As far as what time to be taking these things that's where the detailed spreadshet comes in handy.  I have my breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, and dinner and then what's in the brown bag I have that written on there as well. 
Today I thought would be the challenging day; since today was birthday celebration here at work.  It's like a potluck; everybody pitches in and brings something to contribute to the birthday celebration for the month.  I walked in there this morning to place my "healthy" lunch in the fridge.  I looked over at all the food...and I just kept on walking.  There wasn't even a small part of me that wanted anything from over there.  Things like cinnamon rolls (3 different ones), Chick fil A chicken biscuits, chips and salsa, 3 chocolate homemade pies, and so much other stuff.  I didn't want not even one thing from there. 
I've come to realize it's all in my mind.  This 24 Day challenge has really helped me change my lifestyle.  Since I've been eating the right things I have alot more energy in the evenings after getting home from work.  I workout for 20 minutes or more.  Since starting this on Monday the 5th I've lost 3 1/2 pounds.  And I'm not doing this to loose weight but since I've changed my eating habits I've lost the weight. 
As each week goes on I will come back and post how I'm doing.  And I pray that this will motivate you to have the lifestyle change as I have.

God Bless each and everyone of you just as He has blessed me. :)