My Blessed Family!

My Blessed Family!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 4: Muffin Melts, Mexican Rice, & Fried Chicken Tacos

By looking at the title of this blog you're probably thinking that I'm crazy to be making all those different recipes....taking pictures while doing so....and then blogging about them all.  Well I am crazy but this is what I enjoy doing, and hope that you enjoy reading.  And I do enjoy being crazy too :)
So I'll start with the:

Muffin Melts....

I actually started preparing these last night.  Cause the spread can actually be kept in the fridge a few days before you actually use it.  Which is great cause I'm all about that time management...anything to save me some time.  Who's with me?
I  started off by getting the eggs boiled.  Needing hard boiled eggs so make sure you cook them long enough :)  Here is a cool link that I found on how to make hard boiled eggs. Click here
While your eggs are cooking and lookin' all pretty you can fry your bacon.  Don't make your bacon too crispy and don't make them too not crispy...if that makes any sense at all; it makes sense to me.  But remember I'm crazy so weird sentences like that makes all sense to me. 
After your bacon is done you can cut that up into pieces.
Now is a good time to place a paper towel over it or something.  That helps to keep you from nibbling on it, you want to make sure that you have enough for your muffin melts.
By this time your eggs should be done.  Peel your eggs.

Picture is compliments of my wonderful daughter Cheyenne....what a great job she did. 

After peeling all your eggs get them all chopped up and then place them into a bowl with the bacon, cheese, and mayo.
Don't stir....fold the ingredients together.  Then place the Dijon mustard in there and fold that in.  Your final outcome should look like this:

I personally think it could of had more bacon it, but I was out of bacon so that was all that I had.  Now is when you can cover it up or place in a sealed container and put it in the fridge and can be used when needed.  I would not recommend keeping it in there no more than 3 days.  So when you are ready to prepare your muffins preheat your oven to broiler and make sure that the rack is in the lowest spot.  Cut all of your muffins in half.  And place a good heaping spoon full of the mixture onto each muffin.

Cook under the broiler until they are looking like this: YUMMY
They tasted really good....well to me they did.  My husband didn't like them cause of the mayo.  Here is the recipe if you wish to make them for you and your family: Muffin Melts Recipe

Mexican Rice:

At our Home Group Bible Study this past Monday we discussed what our meal would be this coming up Monday evening.  Fajitas was the choice.  So I volunteered to bring some mexican rice and homemade tortillas (which will be in a later blog).  Since I have something planned before going to Bible Study I would not have time to prepare the rice before heading over there.  I then decided to make it today and put it in the fridge until I take it.  Before taking it over there I will mix in some chicken broth and then heat it up and place some fresh cilantro on the top.
I got all the ingredients together which is pictures above.  Then I got the onion cut up, the garlic minced, the cans opened, and the seasonings measured and put in a bowl.
Now I'm completely ready to get started.  Placed the onions in a little bit of oil, to soften them up a bit.  Then added the rice and the garlic and stirred those all together real well.  Keep stirring so that the garlic doesn't burn....but you want to cook them for about 3 minutes.

Once you have cooked the rice/onions/and garlic together add in your rotel.  I drained the rotel so it wouldn't be too spicy and I used diced up tomatoes cause I'm not a fan of big huge tomatoes, well not really any tomatoes but I'm getting better with that. 
So you've now added your rotel let's go ahead and add in your tomatoes and chicken broth and stir all that together.  Once mixed in real well then add your spices.  I added a little more salt cause the tomatoes that I used were "no salt" ones.

Bring to a boil and then cover and let it cook for about 15 minutes.  I had to add more chicken broth cause it was not done after the 15 minutes, don't want to serve crunchy rice.
After my rice was "FINALLY" done everything was complete:
Of course I had to test it.  It tasted good to me, little spicy, but good.  So we will let them be the judge of the rice on Monday evening.  If you decide to make this you can tell by the picture that it made alot...I would recommend cutting the recipe in 1/2 depending on the amount of people you are serving.  Here is the recipe, enjoy!  Click here

Fried Chicken Tacos:

As you can see our dinner choice for tonight was Fried Chicken's what was on the menu.
And of course in our house what's on the menu is what's to be cooked.  So I couldn't argue with the fact.  I mean...Fried chicken tacos, what part of that title is healthy. :)
I put all my seasoning in a bowl together and cut up the chicken breast into 1 inch cubes.

I fried the chicken breast...and here I was again not reading the recipe thoroughly.  At this time you are suppose to fry up the chicken with the chili's.  But of course I can't read and I just fried up the chicken.  I placed the chicken in a tbsp of canola oil and got the chicken cooked completely.  Then I added in the seasonings and the chili's. 

Stirred that up real well and then let it cook and get the green chili's warmed up.  Oh at this time it sure was smelling good in my kitchen.  Make'll see :)
Since the next step is the frying part and it really helps having 2 people doing this process.  I mean it can be done with just one person but be prepared for it to take longer.  So as I'm waiting for my husband to get out of bed (for those of you who don't know he works overnight) I had time to get the lettuce cut up and the cheese in a bowl ready to go.
I then went ahead and took my corn tortillas and place the meat mixture in the middle of them and then placed them aside.  So now they are all ready to be fried up.  When we were ready to get them fried up I took one and folded it in half and held if close with my tongs.  Then I placed it into the frying pan keeping the top closed with the tongs.

Once it cooks for a little while on one side flip it over and get the other side cooked.  Taking it out with the tongs and letting the grease drip off of it as much as possible.  Then placing it in a paper towel to let it soak up that remaining grease.

Now place some cheese in the taco, great idea!  Cause when you go to eat them that cheese it melted and it is so good.
Finish all of your tacos....can you handle the picture of the final outcome..........ok....I won't keep you waiting.

Enjoy!!!  Here is the recipe cause I know you are ready to go in that kitchen and make them now :)

Of course after making all the food there is a mess in the kitchen to clean.  What a great daughter I have to help me.
Then I kept on adding she gave up.  Her words "Mom I don't want to do dishes anymore!"


  1. All the food looks very good!!I love the chicken tacos :) I think I'm taking that for dinner tomorrow. Thanks for the great ideas Jennifer

  2. Did you make them....they tasted so good. I'm ready to make them again.
