My Blessed Family!

My Blessed Family!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

MM's Sandwich & Steakhouse Pizza

MM's Sandwich??  You're probably thinkin' what is that?  The Pioneer Woman calls it; Marlboro Man's (her husband) favorite Sandwich.  Well you can say it's any mans favorite sandwich....also woman's sandwich at that.  This is the best steak sandwich I've ever eaten in my life. 
This is very easy to make.  Cut up your onion into strips, I just used a small onion cause I'm not big on onions.  But after making it I wish I would of used a bigger onion for it.  Take 4 TBSP. of butter and melt that in a skillet.  Oh the joy of using my iron skillet, just love it. :)
Once that's melted add in your onions.
Cook them until they are soft and brown lookin'.  While they are cooking cut up your cube steak, make sure the cut against the grain.  Cut them into 1-inch strips.  Toss on your seasonings; season salt, black pepper, and lemon pepper. 

It would taste good to maybe add some cumin in there, you know that's an after thought.  I should of thought about that while I was seasoning it.  A little too late now, huh?
Once your onions are done remove them from the pan and add in another 2 TBSP of butter.  Let the butter get brown, that's where alot of the flavor will take place.  Put your fire on medium high heat and then throw in your meat.  You don't want to add too much to the skillet, just enough to make a single layer.
  Cook it on that side till brown then turn it over and cook on the other side till brown.  Remove from skillet to a plate and continue cooking all your meat.  Since my kiddos didn't eat that I didn't have to do that step.  The less steps I take the better.  You agree??
If you had other meat then go ahead and place it all back into the pan once you have cooked it all.  Then add in your onions with the meat.  Some dashes of Tabasco sauce, and a good amount of Worcestershire sauce. 
Which by the way, have you ever just smelt that stuff?  It just makes my mouth water.  Love it!!!
Go ahead and add an additional 2 TBSP of butter, it will help your meat to not dry out.  Place your heat on low and let it simmer for about 5-7 minutes.  Oh how wonderful the aroma is in the house now.
I went ahead and got my deli rolls buttered up and toasted while this was simmering.

Now time to place it all on top of the deli bun, cut it in half, and DIG IN!!!!

Steakhouse Pizza:

You think, steak on a pizza; really????  Oh yes and after you make this you are going to be thinking, now when can I plan to make it again?  Excited????? Read on to find out how to make it :)

We are going to start with the pizza dough; since it has to sit and rise for an hour.

Combine your yeast, not the whole package but just 1 teaspoon, in the warm water.  Allow this to sit for about 10 minutes.  Which gives you just enough time to go ahead and get the rest of the stuff together. 
Add your flour to your food processor (make sure to use the dough hook).
Sprinkle in your salt.

I wasn't going to add this picture, but my husband did such a great job on taking it I just couldn't leave it out.
Turn on your food processor on low and slowly pour in your olive oil.  By this time your yeast mixture would of been sitting for the 10 minutes.  If you did the above stuff in less than 10 minutes and your yeast mixture hasn't sat there for the correct time.  Go ahead do 100 jumping's ok.  By some time here.
Pour in your yeast mixture, remember your food processor is still on low at this point.  Stop mixing when all your stuff comes together and looks like a big ol' dough ball.  Place it in a lightly oiled bowl for an hour, make sure to cover with plastic wrap.  Have I mentioned how much I don't like that stuff.  No matter what you do, it just doesn't come out right.  But my husband begs to differ on this.
While your dough is rising for that hour go and ahead and get your meat seasoned and onto the BBQ pit.  Cooking it on the pit is a MUST.  That's where alot of the flavor comes from. 
Once your meat is done let it sit for a little bit before cutting.
How pretty does that look?  Now it should be time to finish up the pizza crust.  Take the risen dough out of the bowl and place on a lightly oiled pizza pan.  And shape it until it's a complete circle.
According to my husband this was round.  No honey I don't think so?  He said....well it doesn't have to be perfect.  If you so say.  But then he comes back and trys to make it more round. Ha...I won...LOL

Take your choice of marinara sauce and mix it with the balsamic vinegar.  Then start throwing it onto your pizza crust.  Once you have the desired amount now time to cut your "fresh" mozzarella cheese and place it onto your sauce.
Time to bake it at 500 degrees for 10 minutes depending on your oven...sometimes it varies.  Once that's done and the cheese is melted and the crust is nice and brown time to add your meat.  We actually left alot of steps the onions, we did not want those on there.  And then the steak sauce...well I just forgot to buy that. So we didn't do those 2 steps.  We did add a step though.  After you place your meat on the pizza after removing it from the oven we shredded some of the "fresh" mozzarella cheese on top and then placed it back in the oven to let the cheese melt.  Then you have your wonderful tasting pizza.

If you wish to make the recipes here in my blog here are the links:


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