My Blessed Family!

My Blessed Family!

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Start of my Blessed Life!!!

Where do I begin...this is my first blog so I guess I'll start my telling you about my wonderful life/family.  I have a past but not as exciting as other so I won't go into that. :(
In May 2009 I married James it was such a exciting day.  On that day God sure was in the blessing spirit :)
After the reception off we went to our honeymoon.  It was so hard leaving the kids behind while we were on a 7 day cruise.  But I knew that they were in good hands.  A 7 day was it fun and for sure relaxing.  Every night after dinner we would go back to our room and there would be a towel animal on our bed.
So  here we were walking thru the cruise ship back to our room; wondering.....and making guesses of what the animal was going to be this evening.  Our orignal cruise trip was suppose to be a 5 day trip to Cozumel and Yucatan Progreso, Mexico.  But at that time the swine flu was really bad down in Mexico so no travelers were allowed there.  For the price of a 5 day cruise we were able to get a 7 day cruise and ended up going to Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.  It was so much fun...I've never been so relaxed in my life.  Our first stop was in Jamaica; not the best place but still alot of fun.  The main thing we did was just walk around and site see.  Next stop was the Cayman Islands; which is where we decided to get souviners from.  Still just did alot of sight - seeing there as well. 
I think for me the best night on the cruise ship was Dinner with the Captain.  You actually got to dress up; so we took advantage of that.  Ended up paying $50 to get my hair done...which I can say it looked great; but not sure if it was worth that much.  You be the judge of that:

July of 2009 the place that I worked at got some horrible news...the plant was closing down.  At that point I didn't know what I was going to do...I had a family to take care of.  But I knew it was all part of God's plan.  After the announcement we all headed back to our work areas...for me the tears started rolling..honestly I wasn't really looking at what everyone else was doing.  I know not the Chrisitian type; but I was really focused and trying to think about what God was doing here.  We all know God only knows the outcome.  I worked with some amazing people....we were a team.  Not only that; we were family that was going to be seperated. 
We stood in the office and held hands and prayed.  Asked God to watch over each one of us.  As I went to sit back at my desk....the tears still rolling down my face.  My boss (which is now my best friend and I'll talk about that more in another blog) kept on telling me; it's going to be ok, you're going to be just fine. Oh man..the time has come, I was being called into the big man's office.  Quickly wiping the tears away trying to act like I wasn't crying or being emothional at all.  Please have a seat Jennifer, were the words I heard as I entered into the office.  Most of the time those are words that you do not want to the butterflies started showing up in my stomach.  What's going to happen I thought?  Then the best words of that day's okay Jennifer you're going to be fine.  I want to offer a position for you at another faciity; but the downer is that it's 200 miles away up by Dallas.  A raise was at stake at the same time.  Of course I couldn't immediatly say "YES" knowing that I knew that was the Lord telling me this is the path to go.  I will let you know by the end of the day what my decision is, was my response.  Left the office and got on the phone to call my husband to talk with him about what was going on.  "The plant is closing down.....BUT I'm being offered a position at another facility up by Dallas (200 miles away I added)..with a raise"  We will make it work was his response.  The Lord is leading us in this direction for a reason.  So back into the office I went to let them know that I would accept the position and the move.  My boss (Phyllis) was offered the same thing as I; but she felt led by the Lord to stay and see where the Lord would lead her after the closing of the plant.  Which took place in September 2009. 
August 2009 we started our life in a new area.  My husband received a manager position at the Taco Bell and started right off the bat.  Our daughter was starting Pre-K and we found a Daycare/Learning center for our son to go to while we were at work during the day.  We found a church to attend; which took a little while.  But we were not going to stop serving the Lord and He wanted.  It was a VERY rocky road for me at that facility.  But NEVER not once did I loose faith....with the help of Phyllis praying for me and guiding me thru things.  With Corporate being onyl 30 minutes away from where I worked I had set my goals.  Maybe they were high but nothing wrong with that. 
December 2009 I was offered a postition at the Corporate HOTLine department.  Wow..4 months it only took me to reach the goal I had set.  I still had to go thru a couple of interviews...praying hard that the Lord would Bless me with this position.  And sure enough.....the Lord takes care of His children; I got the position and started right before Christmas time.  There's proof there that you keep the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; He will bless you!!!!!
So here I am today...loving my job that the Lord has blessed me with.

God Bless each and everyone of you that read this.  And may the Lord bless you as He has blessed me! :)

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