My Blessed Family!

My Blessed Family!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 6: Homemade Tortillas

I'm finally getting to sit down in peace in quiet...what's that you ask?  Well I'm not so sure cause I don't get it too often.  I have the candles going no TV on, just me and the mice. it's me typing it just sounds like mice, so I've been told. 
Back on track; I'm finally here posting about the homemade tortillas that I/we (my husband and I) made this past Monday evening for my Home Group Bible Study.  My husband is the one that made the dough so I'll explain it to the best that I can.  I was taking a nap cause I had surgery that morning and I really wanted to go to my Bible Study so I wanted to make sure I got some rest.  The wonderful guy he is; he started getting everything ready for me.
That is actually all of the ingredients that you use; kosher salt, lard, flour, and water.  Some people think that it's so hard and takes so much work to make them, not really...their easy.
Now just place the flour and salt in a food processor...we use that cause it's easier to mix everything together.  Give it a few pulses. 

Now place the lard in with the flour mixture, make sure to put it in a couple of chunks...not all in there in one big clump.

Look how great he did on the picture taken, didn't he do well?  Mother approved!
Focus Jennifer... :)
Now pulse it again 10-15 times until it resembles coarse crumbs.  Once you have the crumbs have the food processor on a setting to keep it going.  Slowly add in the water.

Within 30 seconds it will have made itself into a dough ball.  Now with a 1/4 cup of flour flour your surface and put your dough ball onto the surface.  Knead it with your hands until it's no longer sticky.  Wrap it up in plastic wrap and keep at room temperature for about an hour.
Have I ever mentioned how much I do NOT like plastic wrap.  No matter what it always sticks together when you pull it out of the package and rip it off.  Why?  Is there anything I could do to not let that happen.  I just don't like that stuff.
After your hour has passed now it's time to make your small dough balls.  You should be able to make 8 balls from 1 serving.  I actually made 2 servings cause I was feeding 6 people.  So I got exactly 16 dough balls.

Keep them covered with a dish towel until you are ready to roll them out.  When ready take a rolling pin and roll each ball out into a 7 inch flat round tortilla.  What I did was roll one out then cooked it, then rolled another then cooked get my drift. :)

Those do look pretty.  And they sure did taste wonderful.  I will tell you this; they didn't last long.  Homemade tortillas are always better.  I hope you take the time to make yours next time you have fajitas or tacos.  Here is the recipe.

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