My Blessed Family!

My Blessed Family!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 8: Peach-Whisky Chicken with Creamy Mash Potatoes

When I first read the title of this recipe, Peach-Whisky Chicken, I thought..whisky?  I'm not so sure about this.  But the alcohol will cook out.  My mom actually made this same recipe a couple of weeks ago and she said that it was divine.  I did alter the recipe though, cause I'm not big on eating chicken off a bone.  So we used whole chicken breast and I could say it was still divine. :)
By the time we started getting things prepared I realized that it was late.  It was already almost 5:00 I guess that's what happens when you lay on the couch and fall asleep. LOL

So I got all the ingredients together:
Oh another thing that I didn't have a choice to not use was peaches.  The recipe called for 4 peaches but every store that I went to did not have peaches.  So I had to skip that as well.  But it's ok I'm not being judged here....or am I? 
Since our chicken was so much thicker than what she used we started off a little different.  Since we already had the oven preheating anyways we went ahead and stuck our iron skillet in there to get it super duper hot.  Once it was in there for a few minutes we took it out then placed it on the stove and melted the butter with the olive oil.  Placed the meat in the skillet and cooked it till it was brown.

Now that looks pretty...just like we want it.
After you have it browned on all sides remove it from the skillet and then throw in your onions.  Get those softened up and looking pretty just like the meat was.

Now time to add in the whisky.  Please be careful doing this...sometimes adding alcohol to something boiling will cause fire.  So we made sure we had everything in place just in case.

After adding in all the whisky it's time to add in your BBQ sauce, peach preserves, Worcestershire sauce, and a 1/2 cup of water.  Whisk it all together and make sure that it's mixed well.  Put your chicken back in the pool of goodness.

As you can see my skillet was over flowing with goodness.  I actually had to take some of the sauce out in order for the chicken to fit.  But it's in there now and ready to get covered up with foil and placed in the oven and cooked until done.  Remember your meat needs to temp at 165.  FYI:  do not discard the sauce.  You can use that to place onto of your potatoes.  And if you still have some left over....freeze it and then you can use it for baking something later on in the week.
Final results:

Nothing goes best with a great chicken like this than creamy mashed potatoes.  Her recipe called for 5 pounds of potatoes.  Do you realize how many potatoes that is?????  I used 4 actual potatoes and we have some left over.  I peeled the potatoes and rinsed them off and cut them into pieces.  Know that the smaller you cut them the quicker they will cook.  Fill up the pot with water put it on the stove to cook and for right now that's it. :)
Once you have tested them with a fork and they are done drain them in a collander.  Place them back into the same pot and place back on the stove on low heat.  Use your masher and mash them up real well.  For me....lumps don't belong in "mash" potatoes.  Now add in your cream cheese, butter, and 1/2 and 1/2.  Well I didn't read the recipe before I went grocery shopping I guess, cause I didn't have any 1/2 and 1/2 I just used regular milk.
I never thought about putting cream cheese in your mash potatoes, I can tell's worth it.  Do it...don't hesitate about it at all.

Our Sunday dinner was not nothing big, but it was really good.  Down below you will see the recipes if you wish to make them as well. 

Enjoy...have a blessed week!


  1. Those mashed potatoes are the best.
    Lee Ann

  2. yum! I wanna try that chicken! Looks so good!!!!!!!!!!You said your dinner was nothing big....puh-leez girl....that looks divine! Peach whiskey chicken isn't something you eat all the time ;)

    Britney :)
