My Blessed Family!

My Blessed Family!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Baked Potato Dip and Blackberry Cobbler

By the title you are probably wondering if I made those together, to answer that they are not. :)
Today I made a baked potato dip for our MOPS class at church, that was a hit.  And the blackberry cobbler is our Sunday dessert.  I just made it know we have to save time anywhere we can.

Baked Potato Dip:

This is a very very easy thing to make, and doesn't really require any measuring.  So I took out the very few ingredients that it calls for and got them all ready.  2TBSP of Mayo, 2-8oz. Cream Cheese, bacon bits, cheddar cheese, and those onion things in the picture. :)

Most of the ingredients are things that are used for a baked potato, well with exceptions of the Mayo.  I'm not sure why that goes in just does.  You know cause mama said so.  This is a recipe that I received from my mom and it's just so wonderful I had to share.
Make sure that your cream cheese is at room temperature so it's nice and soft when you are ready to combine all your ingredients together.  Chop up the "white" part of the onions, I think the smaller the better.


Now from here it's a piece of cake, not literally.  But you know what I mean. :)
Take your cream cheese and place it in a bowl, then add your 2 TBSP of Mayo, go ahead and throw those onions in there, and then add as much cheese and bacon bits as you like.  Don't use it all cause you will need some for the top of it after placing it in a pan.
All your ingredients are in the bowl and ready to be stirred up really good.  Make sure to mix well you want bacon and cheese on every bite.

I used a glass pie pan but you can use anything it will fit in. sprinkle more bacon bits and more cheese on top.

At this point you can place foil over the top and place in the fridge for later baking.  If you do that you will have to increase your baking time.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes or till the cheese is nice and bubbly. 
The ready for it....can you handle it is.....
I think this calls for a BIG picture :)
Now dig in right after it's taken out of the oven.  The best chips to use is tortilla chips.  YUM YUM!

Blackberry Cobbler:

I think these two recipes are the easiest recipes ever.  Not much ingredients on this one either; butter, "self-rising" flour, sugar, milk, and blackberries.
See, told you not alot of ingredients.  You may use fresh blackberries if you wish, I went ahead and used frozen.

Take your flour and place in a bowl, then add your sugar and milk.  Whisk that together real well.  Melt your stick of butter.....YES the whole stick.  And then add that melted butter to your other ingredients. 
Whisk that together.  Now time to add it to your buttered pan.  But make sure you use one big enough, 3Qt.  I used a 1 Qt.....not the brightest idea.

After adding all the batter into the pan then place your blackberries on top of the batter.  Make sure the space them evenly.

Let's just go ahead and make it even better and add a 1/4 cup of sugar on top.
Bake for 1 hour, the smell through out the house will just be wonderful. 
After that hour you will have a wonderful blackberry cobbler:

Dig in....don't forget to add a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side.



  1. looks soooooo tasty, I gotta try that dip!!! I am a huge cobbler fan..u can never go wrong with cobbler! :)

    Britney :)

  2. I'm gonna try that dip! Sounds delish :)

  3. What are the measurements of flour, sugar, & milk that you use in the cobbler?
