My Blessed Family!

My Blessed Family!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Eggberts Sunriser and Grilled chicken with lemon basil pasta

Finally finishing up all my recipes from 2 weekends ago.  Finishing up just to have more this weekend :)  But like I've said before I don't like being behind.  But without internet access there's nothing I can do.
Breakfast on Saturday morning was Eggberts Sunriser.
Thought I would tease you with the final results first.  So not cool huh?
Here is what you will need for this:

The recipe doesn't call for bacon, but let's be honest with each other breakfast isn't breakfast unless you have bacon.  So here you have frozen hash browns, canola oil for frying, salt and pepper for tasting, onion, green bell pepper, suppose to be red but I used orange, diced ham, cheese, butter, and eggs.  For the bacon I used jalepeno bacon. 
Let's see how to make this...ummm...ok...let me pull out the recipe.  This old mind of mine just can't remember. :)
Fry up the hash brown according to what the package says.
Go ahead and get your bacon fried up if you are using bacon.  You could even use sausage if you want; it's all up to you.  Heat up 2 tbsp. of butter in a large skillet and then throw in the veggies.  Let those cook for a little bit and then throw in the ham to warm up.

Very colorful don't ya think?  Melt the other 2 tbsp. of butter in another skillet and let's get our eggs frying.
If you don't know how to fry an egg let me kinda explain.  Melt the butter, crack the egg into the butter, then fry till done.  I usually flip mine but you don't have to. 
Once you have fried all your eggs time to get it all assembled. 
Place your hashbrowns on the bottom.
Then the veggies/ham/bacon.  At this point this is what it looks like....
Then add grated cheese.

Oh how can see my PJ' you know that I relax when I cook.

Place it into the oven for about a minute or two until the cheese has melted.  Once the cheese has melted remove it from the oven and then place your fried eggs on top.  I added an extra kick and put more cheese on top.
The heat of your eggs will allow the cheese to melt.  Then you get the yummyness when it's done.
Is taht even a word...yummyness.  Well it is now; add it to teh dictionary.
Here is the recipe for you to enjoy as well: Click here for recipe!

Grilled Chicken with Lemon Basil Pasta

Dinner rolled around; well not right after breakfast but I'm not going to blog about sandwiches.  Not sure if there's a special way to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  We decided to have grilled chicken with lemon basil pasta.  The chicken we used was an already seasoned lemon pepper chicken; thought it would work great for this recipe.  Here's a picture of the one I bought:

I just took those out and baked them until they were done.  Cooked my pasta; Oh I have a wonderful photo to share...

Ha Ha Ha!!!  After your pasta is done make sure to save 1 cup of the hot pasta water when you drain your pasta.  While your chicken is still cooking and your pasta is in a colander cooling off melt some butter in the same pot you cooked the pasta in.  No need in dirtying more dishes. 
Once melted squeeze in the juice of 3-4 lemons.  Whisk together.

Add in your cream and 1/2 and 1/2.  Every recipe I cook seems to have that in it.  That must be the good stuff in recipes.  Well I know it sure isn't the healthy stuff. 
Whisk and mix together till hot then dump in the cheese and whisk till it's melted.
Look at this; doesn't it look yummy?
Look at that cheese already dripping off the whisk.  At this point add in your salt and pepper and if the consistency is too thick add some of the pasta water that you saved at the beginning.
Pour in your pasta and mix together.
Sprinkle basil in and then this part is done.  Once your chicken is done slice that up and then serve with the pasta.
Enjoy!!!  Click here for the recipe!

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